[Law24] Summer Essay Course

Hinds-Glick, Sha hindsglicks at campbell.edu
Mon May 13 11:56:56 EDT 2024

Hello Graduates! I hope you celebrated your graduation with family and loved ones and thoroughly enjoyed yourselves. As promised at rehearsal, I am attaching the summer program calendar here. I am still adding out of state participants to this but if you are taking a UBE exam and you do not see your bar review listed on the schedule, please let me know.

This essay and writing course is designed to follow YOUR bar review schedule.  Students will write the same essays, but in a different order which aligns with your lecture schedule. You CANNOT be successful on the bar exam without practicing. Bar essays are different than law school essays. Practice helps you learn the law and perfect your timing.

You will be assigned a bar grader/mentor before the first day of the course. This person will grade your written work and check in with you every week to see how you are doing and if we can be of further assistance. This course was created because commercial bar review does not do a great job of providing timely feedback on written work.

Participation in this course can make a BIG difference in the likelihood of passing the bar exam. Statistics from last year's group were:

1st Quartile         0%  (all people in the first quartile passed)
2nd Quartile        9%
3rd Quartile         37%
4th Quartile         64%

So, if you are in the bottom half of the class, you are at least 37% more likely to pass the exam by completing this program.  Does this mean the people in the top half don't need to do it?  NO. It has less of an impact in their success rate, but I also have very high participation in that group, so the numbers reflect the few people who did not participate.

There is no MAGIC shortcut to passing the bar. It takes work.

You will notice at the bottom of the calendar a mention of the Dean's stipend. The Dean offers a study stipend to all who substantially complete this course. This was a check for $250.00 and I expect the amount to remain the same. To qualify, you have to submit 19/24 assignments on time.

More information on bar grader assignments, how to submit, where to find the assignments, etc. will be coming! I just wanted you to be able to plan for the beginning of June. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Do the work. Pass the Bar.

Sha Hinds-Glick
Assistant Dean of Academic Support and Bar Success
Campbell Law School
(919) 865-4662

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