[Law24] 2024 Graduation Photos and Videos

Snedeker, Lisa L lsnedeker at campbell.edu
Mon May 13 18:53:58 EDT 2024

Dear Class of 2024,

Congratulations! I know you are already busy studying for the bar, but I wanted to share some photos and links with you from your big day!

You can find a large selection of FREE candid photos compliments of Dean Leonard and Campbell Law from the various awards and graduation ceremonies using this Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/qqqexo1c4bmbmbt0lbzdt/AE2kk8SLbCFTeUpkhaphL_s?rlkey=sxftzulrg16xl079i4206kaiv&e=1&st=gepjw6aw&dl=0
If you want to purchase individual photos of you being hooded and with the Dean, you can find them here: https://www.justpushingabutton.com/campbell-law-school-spring-commencement

Please watch your email over the next few days because you will be receiving an email from a company called StageClip. This is not spam. This is a graduation gift from the Law School and the Campbell Law Alumni Association<https://law.campbell.edu/campbell-law-alumni/> of which you are now a member. StageClip will send you a FREE personalized video of you being hooded, walking across the stage and shaking the Dean's hand.

Finally, here is the link to the Livestream for you to watch and share with family and friends in case you missed: https://www.youtube.com/live/Ze_IoAcVOBc?si=sJsC_8PC6Vvwby8g
Campbell Law 2024 Spring Commencement<https://www.youtube.com/live/Ze_IoAcVOBc?si=sJsC_8PC6Vvwby8g>

Best of luck studying for the bar!

Take good care and please stay in touch, Lisa

Lisa L. Snedeker

Director of Communications & Marketing

Campbell Law School

(919) 865-5978 - office

(336) 453-8233 - cell







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