[Law26] 1L Resume Review Meetings - Starting week of Sept 18th
Giancola, April M
agiancola at campbell.edu
Mon Sep 11 14:56:14 EDT 2023
Good Afternoon,
We hope that you are having a good start to the semester. As previously mentioned in emails, live programing and the 1L newsletter, we will be scheduling an appointment for you to meet with one of our counselors to review your legal resume. You will be receiving an email from Symplicity with a specific day/time and the name of your counselor. This day and time has been picked based on your class schedule. If you are not available, please email your assigned counselor ASAP to reschedule.
Within 24 hours of your appointment, upload a copy (in Word) of your LEGAL resume to Symplicity. Please access tutorial on how to upload documents here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n3U5yTDg5fwwzO0ina0dFAZzthr5pO_t/view?usp=drive_link>. This will give your counselor time to review your resume before the appointment. Attached are resources to guide you as you create your draft. Once the meeting has occurred and edits are made and uploaded, you will gain access to the Job Bank for Summer job searching. Only until this step is completed will you gain access to the Job Bank, which will occur around Nov 1st.
We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Best regards,
April M. Giancola, Esq. (she/her/hers)
Assistant Dean of Career and Professional Development
Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27603
Students: request an appointment<https://law-campbell-csm.symplicity.com/students/index.php?signin_tab=0&PHPSESSID=2f167499d26637e928909d58103fb998&signin_tab=0>
Employers: Post a job for a Current Law Student<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/qidlrne1km7ll5/> | Graduate/Alumni<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/q13wlxj071m4mx/>
Visit our website<https://law.campbell.edu/succeed/career-center/>
Personal Zoom Room<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/4686177597?pwd=cmRCQXdBRU90NW81K2xCTWpkN3R4UT09>
agiancola at campbell.edu<mailto:agiancola at campbell.edu>
Office: 919-865-5894 | Fax: 919-856-5993
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