[Law26] Old Kivett Moot Court Competition Deadline

Matney, Mary A matney at campbell.edu
Fri Sep 8 10:55:27 EDT 2023

Sent on Behalf of the Old Kivett Advocacy Council
Hey all,
The deadline to sign up for the Campbell's Old Kivett Moot Court competition is fast approaching. All 2Ls are eligible to compete in this competition against their fellow classmates in an appellate court setting. We also invite 1Ls to volunteer and help us administer the competition.
Moot court simulates appellate advocacy. Students act as attorneys and write an argumentative brief and then argue about that brief in front of a panel of judges. This style of advocacy is performed at the United States Supreme Court and the various other appellate courts throughout the country. Appellate advocacy demonstrates a student's research, writing, and oral advocacy skills, and is generally looked upon highly because it brings those qualities to the forefront. Furthermore, students interested in joining Campbell's Moot Court team would also benefit greatly from participating in this competition.
2Ls can volunteer here:
Additionally, 1Ls interested in competing next year or in appellate practice are encouraged to participate and help as bailiffs, time keepers, and administrators for the competition.
1LS can volunteer here:
The Old Kivett Counsel

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