[pt2025] FW: Survey to Faculty and Students

Ennis, Rachel F ennisr at campbell.edu
Thu Jun 1 11:43:23 EDT 2023


Please see the below survey being sent out again on behalf of Dr. Rich. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey.

Thank you,


From: Rich, Wesley
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2023 2:14 PM
To: Ennis, Rachel F <ennisr at campbell.edu>; Hicks, Ansley M <ahicks at campbell.edu>; Roth-Roffy, Ryan <roth-roffy at campbell.edu>; Stiltner, Kristen A. <stiltnerk at campbell.edu>
Subject: Survey to Faculty and Students

Hi folks,

I have a student helping me do a preliminary assessment of the coverage of telehealth across our various curricula. Please ask the faculty and students in your department to complete the survey below – it is relatively quick.



Wesley D. Rich, Ph.D., M.A., M.Ed., CHES, CPH
Associate Dean for Health Sciences
Campbell University ~ College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Office 119B
Smith Hall
P.O. Box 1090
Buies Creek, NC  27506
t: (910) 893-1892/ (800) 760-9734 ext. 1892
f: (910) 893-1943
e: richw at campbell.edu

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