[PT2021] FW: Summer Opportunity

Ennis, Rachel F ennisr at campbell.edu
Fri May 21 14:21:09 EDT 2021


Please see an opportunity below. We do not know all the details. If you are interested please reach out to them directly.


From: Caldwell <vcaldwell920 at gmail.com<mailto:vcaldwell920 at gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 1:08 PM
To: Victoria Caldwell <vcaldwell920 at gmail.com<mailto:vcaldwell920 at gmail.com>>
Subject: Summer Opportunity

Hello! I work at Buies Creek Elementary school and a few people have recommended reaching out to you. I have an 8-year-old son who is non-verbal with Autism, I also have a typically developing 4-year-old. I am looking for a babysitter intermittently over the summer.

Quite a few of the OT, SLPs here said they used to babysit kids like my son over the summer. If you know of any students that would be interested please let me know. Also, if you are not the right person but feel like you know someone who could be helpful feel free to forward my email to them.

Thank you!

Victoria Caldwell
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