[PT2021] Exams and Sweetness

Weaver, Priscilla pweaver at campbell.edu
Wed Oct 21 12:48:54 EDT 2020

Hi Class,

First, I just want to say a late thank you for the nice welcome card. It made my day and is very thoughtful.  😊

Second, thank you for filling out the survey on exam location. We will have a few students that will continue to take in-person which is completely appropriate while others are remote. The testing should remain equal between the two groups.

I must remind you that there are strict policies in place regarding prohibited activities withy respect to academic matters pg. 14: https://cphs.campbell.edu/student-resources/academic-bulletin/
For instance, students shall not use materials during an exam unless authorized by instructor; shall not give, solicit, or receive information; fail to report violations; etc.
The penalties are extensive and I can guarantee you that it is not worth it. Please make the right choices.

Faculty will provide their specific detail on what is allowed for each exam; yet the in-person/remote option is in place for each class. If in-person, the room location should be the same unless Ms. East notifies you otherwise.

Let us know if you have further questions.

Dr. Weaver

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