[PT2021] Finals Week Celebration

Stamey, Shirl R sstamey at campbell.edu
Tue Nov 17 12:44:07 EST 2020

Good afternoon!

As the fall semester is winding down and you are prepping for the last few assignments, papers, and finals all of us in Student Affairs want to wish you good luck! It's hard to believe that the semester only has a few days to weeks left, depending on your program. To celebrate the completion of this semester, the Student Affairs office is providing goodie bags for students in Maddox Hall and Smith Hall starting tomorrow (Wednesday, November 18th). The goodie bags will be located outside of the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs suite in both buildings, and will be available until they run out. We hope you are able to stop by and grab one!

Since some of our students are still navigating the virtual realm and aren't able to come to campus to partake in the finals week celebrations, we are hosting a raffle for interested students. We will be raffling a few different Campbell gear items. To enter the raffle, click the link below and complete the form. The form closes on Thursday, November 19th at 12:00 pm and winners will be notified the following day. We hope that this small gesture puts a smile on your face and shows you that even though we are finishing this semester physically apart we are still cheering you on!

Click here<https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/ri3kcam1s2f55e/> to be entered in the raffle!

Again, good luck in your final days!

Shirl Stamey
Student Affairs Coordinator | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Pronouns: she/her/hers
e:sstamey at campbell.edu<mailto:sstamey at campbell.edu> | t:(910) 893-1692<tel:%28910%29%20893-1692>
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