[PT2021] Clinicals for 2021

Shearin, Heidi shearin at campbell.edu
Thu May 14 16:16:12 EDT 2020

Dear Students,

Ms. Shewmaker is getting multiple emails asking about various clinical assignments and the availability of a Fayetteville site based on student discussion.  In my webex about the mini lottery process, I was clear that the clinical team is not looking at assignments until next week.  Do not ask at this point about availability of sites or if you were given a particular site.  I also told you that students who already know their assignments were notified of these from the previous FCFS slot selection sent well in advance of the current mini lottery.  

I recognize that your class discusses these things, but student emails indicate you are listening more to classmates about the process than my instruction.  This is leading to confusion and unnecessary work.  We will notify you when appropriate.  Please be patient.  

Dr. Shearin

Sent from my iPad

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