[PT2021] Fw: Reminder: Determining Entry-Level Competencies In Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy

Crouch, Rebecca H rcrouch at campbell.edu
Mon Mar 23 10:09:56 EDT 2020

Hello All,

Since this survey is open to students, and not necessarily CVP section members of APTAl, would you take a few minutes to complete?

Thank You!

Dr. Crouch

From: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Section, APTA <cardiopt at apta.org>
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 9:20 AM
To: Crouch, Rebecca H <rcrouch at campbell.edu>
Subject: Reminder: Determining Entry-Level Competencies In Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy


Dear CVP Section Member,

As directed by our CVP Section Strategic Plan and due to the date of the last assessment, the Section strongly encourages ALL PHYSICAL THERAPISTS and PHYSICAL THERAPY STUDENTS to complete our SURVEY <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001UuxvOkCWCcyFQROQ_u0CZFBY22pf5Cn86nh_LDI9_kYhVxdsNszvdu1vLKSdENZhMuxBpsVVG3ezXAxmmM4ceKznqqty7AjGHLRJSbfX80GZ7pFfrY0mZSIhkGhv-PdoTgdyVYawR9FZZFYzHrpcJJ6ftHDqO8aLQuGJbB-w3oCkTXz69JY3IQwnTBHHT1ojrG4zeEOpBcI=&c=2X31gp-LLBkYuVOXO_ujV1cBgr4cqTsgRP9mYaYEvMC4emRXznLICw==&ch=ooYQbL92grLYgaooB-j8ErLUwJSuX2MTZ82PDOB1opiOjhPR1FfHig==> to aide in determining current entry-level competencies in CVP PT. You do NOT need to be a CVP Section member to participate!!

This survey is endorsed by the CVP Section and has IRB approval by Winston-Salem State University (see below). The principal investigators in this survey are Morgan Johanson, Nancy Smith, and Angela Campbell. If you have questions, please contact Nancy at 336-750-2198 or smithna at wssu.edu<mailto:smithna at wssu.edu>.

Thank you,

American Physical Therapy Association, Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Section
Take the Survey<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001UuxvOkCWCcyFQROQ_u0CZFBY22pf5Cn86nh_LDI9_kYhVxdsNszvdu1vLKSdENZhMuxBpsVVG3ezXAxmmM4ceKznqqty7AjGHLRJSbfX80GZ7pFfrY0mZSIhkGhv-PdoTgdyVYawR9FZZFYzHrpcJJ6ftHDqO8aLQuGJbB-w3oCkTXz69JY3IQwnTBHHT1ojrG4zeEOpBcI=&c=2X31gp-LLBkYuVOXO_ujV1cBgr4cqTsgRP9mYaYEvMC4emRXznLICw==&ch=ooYQbL92grLYgaooB-j8ErLUwJSuX2MTZ82PDOB1opiOjhPR1FfHig==>

IRB/Winston-Salem State Information:
My name is Nancy Smith and I am from the Department of Physical Therapy at Winston-Salem State University (or Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section of APTA). I would like to invite you to participate in my research study. This study will look at entry level competencies in physical therapy. You may participate if you are a Physical Therapist or a Physical Therapist Student. As a participant, you will be asked to fill out a survey that will take about 20 minutes. This survey will ask you questions about knowledge, skills, or abilities that are taught or could be taught in entry level physical therapist education. You will be asked to state what level of competency a physical therapist should have upon graduation from the physical therapist education curriculum. Information gained during this study will be anonymous, meaning there will be no way to trace your responses to you. Measures will be taken to protect your confidentiality, however there is little risk of exposure of thoughts and feelings due to the nature of data collection. There will be no compensation for participating in this study. There is no cost to participate in this study. You are free to withdraw from this study at any time.

CVP Section | APTA | 800.738.1606 ext. 7102 | cardiopt at apta.org | www.cardiopt.org
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Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Section, APTA | 1055 N Fairfax Street, Suite 205, Alexandria, VA 22314
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