[PT2021] CPR and Job Fair Friday, March 13 will proceed as planned

Shearin, Heidi shearin at campbell.edu
Thu Mar 12 17:03:34 EDT 2020

Dear DPT Students, Faculty, and Staff

Our CPR training and job fair will proceed as planned tomorrow.  University Leadership has cancelled classes onsite but not meetings with less than 50 people.  This plan is based upon CDC recommendations and was decided with significant consideration of our safety.

We are taking all recommended precautions and will be diligent with cleaning practice.  We look forward to completing this important event for clinical preparation.

Dr. Shearin


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From: Campbell University President's Office <president at campbell.edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 4:27:06 PM
To: All <all at mailcenter.campbell.edu>
Subject: Updated Message from President Creed Regarding Campbell University's Response to COVID-19 - March 12, 2020

Dear Campbell University Community,

I’m deeply thankful to our campus colleagues who have worked in recent days and weeks to help the University respond to the COVID-19 situation. The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff at all of our locations and campuses is our greatest concern.

While there are no positive COVID-19 cases in our community at this time, we have determined it is in the best interest for our campus community to take additional steps to help mitigate the possible spread of this virus.


•         Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, at 8:00 AM: all in-person (face-to-face) classes at all Campbell campuses and locations, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, will transition instruction to online and remote learning.

•         In-person classes are expected to resume Monday, April 6, 2020.

•         Students can expect to hear directly from their respective professors, department chair, or dean about how to prepare for specific classes. Additional guidance will come from academic deans as our circumstances necessitate any change in our responses.

•         Residential students on the Buies Creek campus are strongly encouraged to leave campus by this weekend. Additional information is forthcoming from Student Life.

•         Staff should follow proper healthcare guidelines related to COVID-19 and consult with their direct supervisors regarding any illness or absences.

•         All university operations will remain open from March 13-April 6, 2020. University services and operations will continue on all campuses until further notice. Residence halls, dining halls, and other campus services/offices will be open to meet the needs of students who remain on campus. If an employee is sick, presenting symptoms, or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive, do not come to work.

•         Most university campus events and activities with more than 50 people will be canceled or have restricted attendance (e.g., athletic events) from March 13 through April 6, and there could be changes to events scheduled after that date. When in doubt about a specific event, consult the event leader.

I recognize the transition to virtual and remote instruction presents challenges and poses a significant disruption to regular academic and residential activities. There remains a great deal of uncertainty as health officials around the world work to contain this virus. I thank you all for your patience and flexibility as we work to continue with the semester under these new circumstances. Rest assured you will be kept informed and up to date regarding significant changes and developments.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the diligent support of Campbell staff who continue to sustain our community, especially those in health care, housekeeping and maintenance, law enforcement, security, housing and food service, and admissions and external relations roles.

We will continue to provide updates on our response to the virus on our website at https://www.campbell.edu/coronavirus/. This situation is changing rapidly, and we will continue to communicate as new decisions are made.


J. Bradley Creed


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