[PT2021] Class Clinical Rotation Questions

Shearin, Heidi shearin at campbell.edu
Mon Jul 20 12:30:09 EDT 2020


We understand your stress and feel the same!  The good news is that we are moving forward as described in our meeting, where other programs are facing lapses in the educational process.  We are sending updates to individual students as soon as information develops related to any new requirements or changes.  As for a general update, that is what we have been doing with these conference calls.  Normally, students are told the lottery will proceed in August after conclusion of the summer semester.  Your class is actually ahead of the process and has completed more meetings about it.  I am happy to send general updates, but common issues have not been the norm.    I prefer not to get locked into a schedule of updates.  I am happy to hold more virtual meetings to allow questions which can then be sent out to the cohort.  You should all be aware that once the lottery is completed, the Clinical Education Team will need a week or two to finalize assignments.  Once that process is coming to completion, a group email will go out with a timeframe for review and questions.  Individual emails will notify students of their assignments.

As for the lottery questions, yes every student must complete it.

  *   If you have a confirmed site, enter in first option.
     *   You do not need to rank others.
     *   You should not list sites to explore in Upstream.
  *   If you have a developing site not yet confirmed, you have been receiving updates from me.
     *   Follow the individual instruction sent in my emails as appropriate for your particular circumstances.
     *   Rank other choices
     *   Include other location of Upstream if desired as next step
     *   Should sites not be confirmed by the time the lottery is due and we are reviewing for assignments, we will use the rankings to proceed.
  *   After looking at available options, if you want to explore a new location withing the Upstream family, you should list that first.

Understand that the time to explore multiple Upstream sites will be 1-2 weeks.  This means that the assignments may take 2-3 weeks for completion.

After you all receive the lottery, feel free to send common questions again before you answer the lottery.

Dr. Shearin

From: Clark, Justin <jtclark1102 at email.campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 12:05 PM
To: Shearin, Heidi <shearin at campbell.edu>; Shewmaker, Jennifer A <jshewmaker at campbell.edu>; Eubanks, Bridget R <bripa at campbell.edu>
Cc: pt2021 at list.campbell.edu
Subject: Class Clinical Rotation Questions

Good Morning Dr. Eubanks, Dr. Shearin, and Mrs. Shewmaker,

We’re greatly appreciative to have such a great and resilient staff that continues to fight for our clinical slots in order for us to graduate on time! Thank you again for taking time out of your day to meet with us for clinicals updates. Between the three cohorts, we can’t imagine the obstacles you have to overcome to secure our positions.

As a class, we have compiled our cohesive thoughts and questions to bring forth to you all at once:

1.    During these constant changing circumstances, we are filled with questions, worries, and hope. We’re all hoping things will get better and we’ll be able to secure our perfect clinicals. Unfortunately, our reality has changed and it continues to change on a daily-weekly basis. This is why we’re asking for occasional updates throughout this process, because we are aware there will be constant modifications ahead. A class email blast would suffice, and it wouldn’t have to be anything formal, detailed, or location specific. We are just kindly asking for some type of email, update, or notification every few weeks or so informing us of vague updates, big changes, or even a word just stating the search is still going and you’re waiting to hear from clinics. I don’t know how possible this is, but it’s something most of us believe would help calm our nerves and comfort us through these unprecedented times. I hope you understand our concerns about these two very important classes of our SPT career, and our craving to be informed.

2.    For clarification: The entire class will all fill out the lottery form when it is released. The students with assigned slots and students “waiting on final confirmation,” should not rank the remaining locations? I assume much like the last ranking system we completed, there will just be an option within the form for us to select “assigned a slot, or waiting on confirmation?”

Thank you for your time and consideration.

C/o 2021
Justin Clark, SPT
SGA Faculty Liaison
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