[PT2021] Practical Question

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Tue Apr 28 14:04:23 EDT 2020

In response to an email I received:
Dr. Green,

I have heard mixed things so I just wanted to confirm with you.

Is it okay if we combine our examination with OM and functional tasks. For example, if my functional task was sit to stand and I just looked at it within the Mini-Best. Additionally, with balance examination can we use minibest as that examination or do we need to use a separate exam from the OM. Do we need to complete all examinations and then functional tasks, and then OM in that order or any order that seems the best fit?

My response:
YOU make that decision. What makes sense. There are many ways to get to the same conclusion and when you have limited time, you need to make those decisions that are right for the patient.

Here, you have the written part and can identify in the functional task:  sit- stand:  observe during mini best
Then we can see everything is covered. You will do better to think like a PT versus trying to check boxes on a rubric.  What do you need to know, figure it out... what are the tests to give you that information.

You got this!

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