[PT2021] Screens

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Fri Apr 17 15:02:22 EDT 2020

I have received a lot of messages about what has to be in the screens.
That has been communicated to you on lab forms or during lecture (i.e. coordination has to be UE and LE and include the 4 elements of accuracy, limb holidng, etc.   and sensation has to have UE/LE, distal proximal of something and superficial, deep and combined cortical)

The rest is up to you!
It is YOUR clinical decision as to whether the information you chose gives you enough confidence that your screen cleared things to a great enough degree that you can exclude that hypothesis and move toward looking deeper at what is the MOST likely culprit.

If you are still trying to learn to do an evaluation by "what should my evaluation have in it" versus" what is the question I'm trying to answer and how do I rule it in/out, then this assignment will be really hard.  If you are looking for the "right" answer , there isn't one (nor is there a RIGHT answer for the exercises a patient with a TKR needs- without the rest of the story: requires a clinical decision!0

Typically, we can see 20 variations of the screen set.
Just do it!  What is the worse thing that can happen?  I have to fail someone, I'm not starting with any of you, this semester  (now next semester..... blahahhahahahha)

We LOVE seeing clinicians develop out of students:
Students who are developing their own ideas and connecting information to answer questions that will help their patients move better!!This is the most exciting part of having the privilege of teaching YOU.

Feel free to reach out with questions.
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