[PT2021] Info for patient tomorrow

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Tue Feb 19 18:20:13 EST 2019

For the groups who have Bob, he sent this ahead so students knew what he has problems with and would appreciate some attention to this semester. Thought I'd pass it on.

From: Robert Kerstetter <rkerste220 at embarqmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 7:23 AM
To: Green, Michelle D
Subject: Re: Coming to Campbell

Dr. Green,

I have always enjoyed working with your students, thanks for inviting me back.  I only have two major problems, stairs and balancing issues.  Anything else, I have made adjustments in order to maintain my life style as such with PD.

From: "mgreen" <mgreen at campbell.edu>
To: "steve" <pdsgfay at gmail.com>, "Ward, Kim B" <wardk at campbell.edu>, wilsonclearing at aol.com, "Kent Rosborough" <kent.rosborough at yahoo.com>, "Steven Rigby" <plumber0419 at hotmail.com>, "Steven Rigby" <plumber0419 at hotmail.com>, "Bob Kerstetter" <rkerste220 at embarqmail.com>, kimberlyricketts at ccs.k12.nc.us
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 2:34:36 PM
Subject: Coming to Campbell

Thank you all so much for agreeing to come in for class.  As always, you will get reimbursed for mileage, so come with that information the first day so the students can fill out the paperwork.  You will need to sign new releases, so don't be too annoyed when the students ask you to do that.  I appreciate you all so much, as do the students.

I've attached the sign-up sheet you all filled out so you can see when you agreed to come. If you CAN NOT make that date, let me know as soon as possible. Obviously, things come up - you can email me or if it that day, text me 910-797-5335.

As in the past, the time with the students is 10-12.  I like to get started right at 10, so if you can be here at Campbell just before 10, that is great. Come on in to lab and have a seat and as soon as they break to get set up for patients, we'll get you situated that day.

It is Room 319, as it has been in the past. If there is anything in particular you want evaluated or worked on this spring, let me know, so I can guide the students toward that. You can email me your request!

Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you. If you need help getting in the building, let me know and we'll make a plan on that for each week.

Happy Tuesday, y'all!


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