[Pharm27] ❗November PSEB Funding Requests due by Sunday 11/12/23 Noon❗

PSEB Treasurer psebtreasurer at email.campbell.edu
Fri Nov 10 10:19:09 EST 2023

Good afternoon, Student Pharmacists!

Friendly reminder that all PSEB Funding requests (form attached below) are
due * Sunday, November 12th, 2023 by 11:59 AM*.  Those submitting November
funding requests are required to present their funding request during
PSEB's *November meeting on 11/15/23 from 1-2PM in Harris Teeter* Lecture
Hall. This will be the *last opportunity* to submit any funding requests
for events happening prior to our January PSEB meeting on 1/17/23 in Harris
Teeter Lecture Hall. Thank you and please reach out if you have any

*Sophia Miller Jones*
Pharmacy Student Executive Board | Treasurer
(919) 961-2997
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