[Pharm27] Study Space Update

Barefoot, Sarah E sbarefoot at campbell.edu
Thu Nov 9 15:30:54 EST 2023

Sent on behalf of Dr. Rich and Dr. Mahalik:

November 9, 2023

Dear students,

As you are aware, it is always a delicate balance to maintain adequate study spaces for the multiple health profession programs at Campbell, some of which require shared space.  There have been some recent issues in which students from some programs have interfered with the study spaces for other programs in Levine Hall and Smith Hall.

After much consideration, we believe the best course of action for ensuring that adequate study space is available for students in all programs will be as follows:

All CUSOM students (DO, MSBS, and MHPE) will utilize only the Leon Levine Hall of Medical Sciences for study space.  Likewise, all CPHS students (DPT, PA, Pharmacy, and Nursing) will utilize only the Maddox Hall and Tracey F. Smith Hall of Nursing & Health Sciences for study space.

Of course, the Wiggins Memorial Library also remains available for ALL students to study, and certainly IPE events, OSCEs, certain labs, and simulation events happen across our multiple facilities, so we will continue sharing these resources for such events as we have in the past.

Additionally, the Medical Library in Levine Hall remains available to all health profession students during posted hours.  When using the medical library, though, CPHS students should not use other Levine Hall study space dedicated to CUSOM students.

We are indeed committed to supporting all of our students, and remain committed to an interprofessional approach to medical education.  This study space plan should help us all be more efficient in utilizing our study spaces, and be beneficial to each of you in offering an even better study environment.

Thank you in advance for abiding by these guidelines, and we appreciate your understanding.

Hope you all have a nice weekend!

Best wishes,

Wesley D. Rich, PhD
Associate Dean for Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences

Michael P. Mahalik, PhD
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
School of Osteopathic Medicine

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