[Pa23] Happy Friday

Smith, Sandra sdsmith0824 at email.campbell.edu
Fri Mar 3 14:56:36 EST 2023

Happy Friday,
                        My name is Sandra Smith. I am a student ambassador
of wellness. I am here to share resources and promote good health for
students as they pursue their careers. My focus is on Spiritual wellness.
I want to encourage you to keep going. Life gets complicated, and sometimes
we question if we are doing the right thing. Remember that you were created
for a purpose in those times, and you will get through this. Do not give
up. Keep pursuing your dream, and remember you have mand it this far.
Remember, in the busyness of life, and studying, do not forget one of the
most important parts of wellness is to take time out for yourself and do
As a part of spiritual wellness, I leave you with an encouraging verse of
the week.
Encouraging verse
*Isaiah 41:10*
*Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you; yes, I will help *and* uphold you with My righteous right
hand.    *
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