[lawmajordonors] FW: The Week Ahead | 11/15 - 11/21 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
Leonard, J. Rich
leonardjr at campbell.edu
Mon Nov 15 09:06:47 EST 2021
From: CU-NAWSOL Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities <OSLPBO at campbell.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2021 9:04 AM
To: lawstudents at list.campbell.edu; Raleigh Campus All Faculty and Staff <raleighcampusall at campbell.edu>; Law School - All Adjunct Faculty <LawSchool-AdjunctFaculty at campbell.edu>
Cc: lawbov at list.campbell.edu
Subject: The Week Ahead | 11/15 - 11/21 | Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
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The Week Ahead
Campbell Law School Community Newsletter
on behalf of the Student Bar Association
SBA Events Calendar + The Week Ahead Newsletter
Click HERE<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y19wNXIzMHVra2I4cmczbzloMnVqNjNuYTl2OEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t%20> to view the calendar of upcoming events at Campbell Law School. To publish your group's activity in The Week Ahead and on the SBA Events Calendar, please fill out this form.<https://forms.gle/Go7BiKkp7vAsAC8XA> The deadline for submissions is Thursday at noon for the following week's newsletter. If you have any questions, please Director of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities, Raven Byrne at rbyrne at campbell.edu<mailto:rbyrne at campbell.edu>.
SBA Student Spotlight
Know a Campbell Law Student that deserves some recognition? Nominate them for the SBA Student Spotlight! Simply tell us the nominee's name and why they deserve the spotlight for a day. Accomplishments do not have to be academic or law school related. Examples include: running in a 5K, volunteering, overcoming personal challenges, traveling, dedication to family or friends, heading up a project for a student organization, etc. Selected nominees will be featured on SBA's Instagram, @campbelllawsba. To nominate someone for the SBA Student Spotlight, click HERE.<https://forms.gle/tLwg4ib4Kw5HftkNA>
Course Evaluations
The course evaluation period began October 27th at 12:00pm and runs through midnight, November 28th. All students will have an opportunity to evaluate each of their registered classes and professors.
HLSA Raffle Basket
The Hispanic Law Student Association is selling raffle tickets, for $10.00, for a chance to win the dream Comfort Gift Basket!! The basket is valued at $200! Tickets are on sale now and will end Monday, Nov 15th. ALL proceeds go to the Alondra Bribiesca Scholarship! Buy your raffle tickets here https://igfn.us/form/UsK5gQ
LSASADV & Raleigh Rescue Mission's Winter Coat Drive
Law Students Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence have teamed up with Raleigh Rescue Mission for a winter coat drive!
When the Raleigh Rescue Mission has done clothing drives in the past, much of the clothing would go unused due to quality and sizing needs. Because of this, Raleigh Rescue Mission has created a special Charity List for our school via Amazon.
Your donations will go directly to a member of our community in need of warmth and protection from the elements this winter. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, please consider giving something meaningful to those in our community who are homeless and hurting.
Please consider sharing this link with your friends and loved ones.
Charity List link: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/D1JEVWX8CEXT/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl
*Sizes needed: Men M-2X, Woman S-XL
Events & Activities
Monday, November 15th
General Advising Session for 2L Students
Dean Tilly will host a general advising session for 2L students.
Tuesday, November 16th
Hispanic Law Student Association
Come join HLSA for our last event of the semester! We will be giving tips for finals and looking ahead to next semester. Food will be served!
SBA Meeting
Student Planning Portal
2L Registration opens via the Student Planning portal at
Wednesday, November 17th
Campbell Giving Day
Campbell Giving Day on Wednesday, November 17 is the university's annual day of giving when alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and friends come together to give a gift to Campbell, wear orange to show their pride and share why they give on social media. Join in on #CampbellGivingDay by supporting the law school with a gift of $5.00 or more. Every gift makes a positive impact on the law school community, now and for generations to come. You can make your gift on 11/17 in support the law school by using this link: campaign.campbell.edu/givingday<https://campaign.campbell.edu/where-to-give/campbell-giving-day/>.
Contact John Latteri with questions (jlatteri at campbell.edu<mailto:jlatteri at campbell.edu>)
Pope Foyer
SBA Thanksgiving Lunch
Join SBA for the annual Thanksgiving Lunch! Lunch will begin at noon in the first floor foyer. You can begin lining up at 11:30am in the hallways of the first floor. Signs will be posted directing you to the start of the line. There will be tables set up all over the first floor for dining. The commons and outside tables will also be available. All are encouraged to attend!
Thursday, November 18th
Peer Mentor Section 2
Peer Mentor Section 2 is having an exam pep talk! Lunch will be provided!
Campbell Law Innocence Project Lunch & Learn
CLIP will be hosting a lunch and learn with Chris Mumma, the Executive Director of the NC Center on Actual Innocence and Greg Taylor.
Lunch will be provided! Be sure to register.
Peer Mentor Section 3
Lunch will be provided!
Christian Legal Society Bible Study
Bring your lunch and join us for our weekly Bible study! We will be using the study book Opening Our Bibles and exploring how God's word fits in all aspects of our lives. Whether you read the Bible every day, grew up reading it but haven't lately, or are just beginning your faith journey, ALL are welcome! There is also a standing Prayer Box in the Commons. Drop in a prayer/worry/concern that's on your heart and we will pray over them each week in Bible study.
Friday, November 19th
BLSA Friendsgiving Dinner
Please join the Campbell Law BLSA, Elon BLSA, and Wake Forest BLSA THIS FRIDAY, November 19 at 7:15 PM for our first annual Friendsgiving Dinner! This will be an evening filled with fellowship, laughs, and delicious food and a chance to unwind and connect with other students before finals season!
More details will be emailed out to participants.
Sign up link: https://forms.gle/aXPZPnnL1HxaDoyh7
Saturday, November 20th
Sunday, November 21st
Looking Ahead
Monday, November 22nd
Dessert and Cider
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