[Law26] Summer 2024 Student Practice Certification through the NC State Bar

Sanders, Nicholas R nsanders at campbell.edu
Tue Mar 19 09:42:00 EDT 2024

Good morning, all,

I hope that you all had a great (and at least somewhat relaxing) Spring Break. For those of you who will be providing representation on behalf of clients (including government entities) in court or before an administrative tribunal in North Carolina this summer, you must seek certification from the State Bar. (Although formerly called the "Third-Year Practice Rule," this certification is no longer limited to third-year students.) If you are unsure whether you need to be certified, review the activities<https://www.ncbar.gov/for-lawyers/governing-rules-of-the-state-bar/0206-activities/> that certified students may engage in and ask your supervising attorney.  Please note that to be eligible, your supervisor must be a licensed attorney in North Carolina and you cannot be on academic probation.  The full rules regarding the certification can be found here<https://www.ncbar.gov/for-lawyers/governing-rules-of-the-state-bar/0201-purpose/> <https://www.ncbar.gov/for-lawyers/governing-rules-of-the-state-bar/0201-purpose/> in 27 N.C.A.C. Chapter 1C - Section .0200 and in the attached document.

To simplify the process, the State Bar has asked the law school to be the intermediary in collecting and verifying the necessary documents. I have attached a one-page review of the certification process along with the required forms to this email. Please see below for a list of forms you will need to submit based on whether you will be interning or externing (i.e., receiving academic credit). All documents should be submitted to me. I would advise starting this process sooner rather than later, as your request will be one of many processed across the State. (Note: If you are working at an organization that will host numerous legal interns/externs, they may wish to submit an employer form directly to the State Bar that lists all of their students at once. That is fine – simply let me know when you provide me with your other form(s).)

Required forms for certification as an INTERN (i.e., not receiving academic credit):

Law Student Certification (signed by the student only)
Field Placement Certification (signed by your supervising attorney only with a specific date range)
Memorandum of Understanding (signed by both the student and their supervising attorney, subsequently signed by me)

Required forms for certification as an EXTERN (i.e., enrolled in LAW-891 or LAW-892 and receiving academic credit):

Law Student Certification (signed by the student only)
Field Placement Certification (signed by your supervising attorney only with a specific date range)

Again, I am attaching a copy of the State Bar's rules governing student certification. You will be expected to have read these rules. One such rule that I want to highlight here governs whom you may represent under the certification. If you are working in a private law firm, you can only serve "eligible persons" as defined<https://www.ncbar.gov/for-lawyers/governing-rules-of-the-state-bar/0202-definitions/> <https://www.ncbar.gov/for-lawyers/governing-rules-of-the-state-bar/0202-definitions/> by the State Bar. This is non-negotiable, as it is a State Bar rule. Please do not jeopardize your reputation (remember your character and fitness application) or the integrity of the school by engaging in unauthorized representation.

Once you provide me with the required forms, I will have the Registrar's Office submit everything to the State Bar on your behalf. The State Bar will then contact you directly.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Nicholas R. Sanders, Esq. (he/him/his)

Director of Externships

Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law

225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 101

Raleigh, NC 27603

Telephone: 919-865-4697

Personal Zoom Room : https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/my/n.sanders

Post an Externship Position : https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/externship-position-form/


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