[Law25] Spring 2024 Judicial Externship Opportunities

Sanders, Nicholas R nsanders at campbell.edu
Fri Sep 1 11:44:43 EDT 2023

Good morning, 2Ls and 3Ls,

I hope all of your semesters are off to a great start and that you are about to enjoy a relaxing holiday weekend. Although it's hard to believe, it's time to start thinking about whether you want to complete an externship in the Spring 2024 semester.  Below is a table of judicial externship applications that are either now open or will open this month on Symplicity.  I have included the Symplicity ID for the posting and the application window.  Please note that many of the judges, particularly those with deadlines into November, review applicants on a rolling basis (so you do not want to wait until the last minute to apply). I have also included a couple of postings which you should have already seen in your weekly Career Newsletter, as they opened over the summer.  I strongly recommend you consider applying for one of these judicial externships - it is a great opportunity to (1) gain practical experience from a unique vantage point on the other side of the bench, (2) learn from a judge or justice, and (3) make lasting connections.

You will see another e-mail from me after Labor Day highlighting externship opportunities for other organizations, such as government agencies, prosecutors' and public defenders' offices, in-house counsel, and public interest entities.

Lastly, while we're discussing opportunities in the judiciary - our Career Center has a Judicial Clerkship listserv that you can join to get ongoing information. You can find the link to that listserv (and others) at the end of this e-mail.  As always, please reach out with any questions.

Director Sanders

Spring 2024 Judicial Externship Postings

Judge or Justice
Symplicity ID No.
Application Window
Federal Courts
Judge Frank Whitney (WDNC)
June 28 - September 1
(Today is Last Day)
Judge David Warren    (EDNC - Bankruptcy)
August 1 - November 11
Judge Pamela McAfee (EDNC - Bankruptcy)
September 1 - September 18
North Carolina Supreme Court
Justice Newby
September 1 - October 6
Justice Barringer
September 12 - October 16
North Carolina Court of Appeals
Judge Tyson
August 1 - September 9
Judge Flood
September 1 - September 18
Judge Griffin
September 1 - November 28
Judge Carpenter
September 1 - November 30
Judge Stading
August 1 - December 1
North Carolina District Court
Judge Julie Bell
(10th Judicial District)
September 1 - October 9

Judicial Clerkships: HERE<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=684e620c03&e=46c7b0b04f>
Public Interest: HERE<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=d57566b6cb&e=46c7b0b04f>
Diversity: HERE<https://campbell.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1a6fdf2eea5cf9d8502036371&id=b476bbde19&e=46c7b0b04f>

Nicholas R. Sanders, Esq. (he/him/his)
Director of Externships
Campbell University Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street, Suite 101
Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: 919-865-4697
Personal Zoom Room : https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/my/n.sanders
Post an Externship Position : https://cuweb.wufoo.com/forms/externship-position-form/
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