[Law25] Int'l Arbitration Team DEADLINE EXTENDED

Healy, Maeve G mhealy at campbell.edu
Wed Aug 16 11:51:56 EDT 2023

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APPLY until Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 6pm

Interested in international arbitration?  Want to travel to Hong Kong or Vienna to compete against law students from across the globe? Campbell Law is calling all those interested to tryout for the 2023-2024 Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Team. The team will travel to either Hong Kong or Vienna to compete in the spring. Please see vismoot.org for more information about the competition. To tryout you do not have to any knowledge of international business law, arbitration rules or law, or of the Willem Vis program.


Part One

The tryout will be two-part. First, is the submission of an LRW II or ALW writing sample, an unofficial transcript, a current resume, and completion of the tryout questionnaire. The tryout questionnaire may be found at this link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXKJq5KGrzLMVbhdkXaI4RkI9tJRyOVKRAxEWBOJtFMW1CWg/viewform?usp=sf_link> and must be completed by August 16, 2023 at 5pm. You must email your writing sample, unofficial transcript, and resume to Maeve Healy at mhealy at campbell.edu<mailto:mhealy at campbell.edu> by Friday, August 18th, 2023 at 6pm. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Part Two

Second, is the oral argument portion. Attached to the announcement email, will be the Respondent memoranda written by last year's team, as well as the problem from last year. You will be representing Respondent and must create a five to seven minute oral argument on the following issues:

  *   Does this Tribunal have Jurisdiction to hear the dispute? and
  *   Is the PSA governed by the Equatorianian ICCA?

Please note, you are not constrained by what was argued within the memo. The memo is meant to provide a starting point for you. Feel free to conduct any extra research you feel necessary to develop your arguments and be prepared to present in front of a panel. It is important that you address both issues indicated above. You will be judged by a panel of 4 judges and the judges will interrupt your presentation to ask questions.

You will be graded on the following criteria:

  *   Organization and Preparation
     *   Do you introduce yourself, who you are representing, and the issues?
     *   How strong is the opening?
     *   Are you clearly prepared and familiar with the authorities on which your arguments rely?
     *   Are you reading or have you memorized your arguments?
  *   Knowledge of the facts and the law
     *   Is it clear that you have read the problem?
     *   Are you able to relate facts to law in a logical, persuasive manner?
  *   Presentation
     *   Is the argument appropriately paced?
     *   Is the presentation monotone or was inflection used?
     *   Did you make eye contact with the tribunal?
  *   Handling Questions
     *   Are you able to answer questions directly?
     *   Do you use the opportunity of a question to your client's advantage?

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Maeve Healy, at mhealy at campbell.edu<mailto:mhealy at campbell.edu> or stop by my office 303D. Good luck!


Maeve Healy
Wallace Advocacy Fellow
Campbell University School of Law
Office: 919-865-5893 | Cell: 704-989-8079

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