[Law24] The Faculty Recruitment Committee Needs YOU

Papadima, Raluca rpapadima at campbell.edu
Tue Sep 26 23:01:52 EDT 2023

Dear 3L students,

I am currently acting as the Chair of the Faculty Recruitment Committee at our law school. This committee is charged with recruiting new full-time faculty, as a result of any vacancies. Because our law school places great value on the teaching effectiveness and abilities of our faculty, we are requesting that all candidates deliver a teaching demonstration (to our full-time faculty and to a number of students) and we seek student input after participating in these teaching demonstrations.

I am consequently reaching out to all of you to see if you would like to volunteer to attend ONE of these teaching demonstration and thereafter provide your feedback to the Faculty Recruitment Committee.

Please VOLUNTEER for only ONE teaching demonstration, on either 10/11 (Wed), 10/13 (Fri) or 10/17 (Tue). To volunteer, please email Ms. Anjanette Porter, copied to this email. The first 10 students to volunteer for each of the spot will be invited to attend. All teaching demonstrations will be between 12-1 (no lunch provided) in room 402. There might be additional opportunities later in the semester.

We do not yet know the exact topic that the candidates will choose, but it will be, based on our current curricular needs, in the areas of Property, Evidence or Criminal Law. The feedback that we will then seek from you will be in the form of a short email with your considered comments about the candidate as a classroom teacher. Your email will then be shared with the full voting faculty for decision-making purposes. We will ask you to organize your comments along the following questions:
1. What was effective about the teaching demonstration of the candidate?
2. What could have been improved about the teaching demonstration of the candidate?
3. Overall, did the teaching demonstration indicate the candidate's potential to be an effective teacher?

Make your voice count in getting the professors that you want.

Thank you in advance for volunteering your time for this important process for our law school.

Prof. Papadima

Raluca Papadima, LL.M., Ph.D.
Chair of the Faculty Recruitment Committee
Assistant Professor
Campbell University School of Law
225 Hillsborough Street | Room 438 | Raleigh, NC 27603
Office: (919) 865-4683 | Cell: (347) 326-0020 | rpapadima at campbell.edu<mailto:rpapadima at campbell.edu>

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