[pt2025] Wellness Wednesday

Padronaggio, Marisa mapadronaggi1008 at email.campbell.edu
Wed Mar 22 17:06:57 EDT 2023

Hello everyone!

My name is Marisa Padronaggio and I am a first-year Pharmacy student as
well as a Student Wellness Ambassador. For this Wellness Wednesday, I
wanted to draw your attention to Mental Wellness.

Many factors can influence our mental health whether it is our reaction to
our environment, the people around us, our very own choices, or other
stressors. Mental health encompasses how we think, feel and act according
to those factors. Sometimes we face a stressful situation that we are
unaccustomed to, something demanding that exceeds our resources, or we
simply just feel alone.

But you are not alone and your worries are valid, no matter what they are.
There are many support tools here at Campbell to assist you. If you need
someone to talk to, please consider using the free Student Assistance
program, MyGroup
<https://www.mygroup.com/portal/student/request-sap-appointment/>, as well
as other resources included in the attached flyer.

Thank you so much for your time and I hope you always put your wellness

All the best,
*Marisa Padronaggio*
*PharmD Student | *Class of 2026
College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Campbell University | Buies Creek, NC 27506
mapadronaggi1008 at email.campbell.edu
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