[pt2025] SNPhA & PRIDE in Healthcare-Guest Speaker Melissa Bailey TODAY 4/20/23

Hege, Sydney slhege0618265 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Apr 20 11:13:05 EDT 2023

Hello CPHS,

Happy Thursday and happy end of the block! SNPhA & PRIDE in Healthcare are
hosting a guest speaker, Melissa Bailey *today at 5:00 pm in Harris Teeter
Lecture Hall*. If you are unable to attend in person, there is a zoom link
<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/99801386314> as well!

Bailey is the owner of Peace and Serenity Partners in Parenting, which is
the first Queer and Person of Color owned Doula Agency in North
Carolina--specifically designed to provide support and education for Queer
and/or Colorful Families and Allies!

We hope to "CU" at our meeting to learn how healthcare providers can play a
role in providing more competent care pertaining to diverse birthing

[image: 104338EA-6E90-4586-BD54-9949F293FC73_1_201_a.jpeg]
*Sydney Hege *
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
PharmD Candidate | Class of 2024
PRIDE in Healthcare | Treasurer
Raleigh Neurology Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
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