[pt2025] Wellness Wednesday: Cultural Wellness

Hurst, Marisa mthurst0120 at email.campbell.edu
Wed Apr 19 10:07:58 EDT 2023

Happy Wednesday CPHS!

My name is Marisa Hurst and I am a first year physician assistant student
and I am a member of the CPHS Student Wellness Ambassador Program (SWAP).
For this Wellness Wednesday, I wanted to draw your attention to
*cultural wellness*.

Cultural wellness focuses on how we commit to celebrating and embracing the
beauty of diversity. We all come from such different backgrounds, and by
sharing our own stories, and listening to others, we can learn a lot that
we can bring into our various practices.

Campbell offers many resources to assist with expanding our cultural
wellness, both are linked via QR code in the infographic below. CPHS
Student Involvement <https://campbell.campuslabs.com/engage/> offers many
clubs and organizations that celebrate diversity including, but not limited
to: PRIDE in healthcare, D2R, SnPHA, and many more! Also, the library
offers Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) resources for students
<https://guides.lib.campbell.edu/studentdei>, including links to Campbell's
DEI resources, as well as books, articles and databases for DEI resources.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or my other fellow SWAP
ambassadors if you need any assistance. You can also contact our faculty
advisors @Staffaroni, Kathleen A <staffaroni at campbell.edu> @Brown, Ian S
<ibrown at campbell.edu>  with questions as well!

Thank you so much for your time and I hope you always put your wellness

Marisa Hurst
[image: SWAP Weekly Wellness TEMPLATE (1).png]

Marisa Hurst, MSPH, PA-S *(she/her/hers)*
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
MPAP Student | Class of 2024
Secretary, PRIDE in Healthcare
mthurst0120 at email.campbell.edu
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