[Pt2024] You Matter Everyday

Smith, Sandra sdsmith0824 at email.campbell.edu
Tue Feb 28 19:55:14 EST 2023

*You Matter every day*
Good evening,
My name is Sandra Smith, and I am a student ambassador of wellness. I
wanted to encourage you as you go through this next week. As a student
ambassador, I want to help promote wellness in all areas.
 Life can be stressful, challenging, and busy. Remember that you matter and
have a purpose in the busyness of it all. Studying and trying to manage
life can be stressful but don't forget you are still here. Wellness is not
just about physical or finical while they have their place.
Spiritual health and Wellness are just as important. It is essential to
realize that all human beings have a purpose, and as you go through your
day, remember you have a sense.
  Today my focus is on Spiritual Wellness.  Spiritual wellness expands a
sense of purpose and meaning in life, including rituals and ethnicity. Life
can be rough, and some days will not go as planned but don't forget you
have a purpose. You are down but not out.  Don't give up. Keep pushing
toward your goal. Remember, you matter and have a sense.
Spiritual verses of encouragement
The Bible has a lot of wisdom and has stood the test of time. Here are some
verses to encourage you through the week.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and when you pass
through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the
fire, you will not be burned. The flames will not set you ablaze.
Remember you matter, and you will have gotten this far and will continue to
be successful,
*Sandra Smith*
*Student Ambassador *
*Leadership Council*
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