[Pt2024] Early Professional SIG Events for CU Students

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Thu Dec 1 14:09:08 EST 2022

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I was wondering if you should share this with Rachel Ennis to blast out to the cohorts :) Thank you

First, Second, and Third years:
- The APTA NC Early Professional SIG is hosting a financial advisory webinar with the CEO of FitBUX on December 5th at 6:30, it is a question and answer webinar to plan for financial freedom as a PT or PTA.
- It will be on Zoom,  and also streamed through Facebook Live on the APTA Account.
There are two ways to enter:
This is the Zoom Link: (it will not open until 5 minutes before)
-  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81843970522?pwd=OHdvdUpxVnZJZ20xbUJXemNVOUhDdz09
This is the Facebook Event Group: FitBUX Webinar - Hosted by APTA NC EP SIG via Emma Wolff Pruett

Third Years:
- APTA NC EP SIG is also teaming up with the APTA to launch a Mentorship program for early professionals. It is for young PT's to get matched with a more experienced PT, to use as a mentor to grow and learn through their early clinical experiences.
- You can sign up here! Or use the attached Flyer for QR Codes :)
Mentees link: https://forms.gle/aJesvhB3uYpTgDxa9

Emma Wolff, PT, DPT | She/Her<https://studentaffairs.duke.edu/csgd/training-resources/gender-pronouns>
Atrium Health | Carolina's Rehabilitation
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