[PT2021] A Closer Look at Nevus Spilus: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Approaches

swarnalata dehury banigochha.ios35 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 5 02:04:25 EST 2023

Nevus spilus, also referred to as speckled lentiginous nevus, is a
pigmented birthmark caused by an increase in melanin on the skin. It is a
benign condition typically present since birth, and may appear anywhere
throughout the body. In this article, we'll look at Nevus Spilus -
Everything you should know
<https://www.healthsoothe.com/nevus-spilus-everything-you-should-know/> for
the nevus spilus.
The symptoms of Nevus Spilus:

Nevus spilus is a benign condition that generally does not produce any
signs. The main characteristic of this condition is the appearance of dark,
irregularly shaped spots on the skin that vary in sizes ranging from a few
millimeters to several centimeters in diameter.
Causes of Nevus Spilus:

The precise reason for nevus spilus is not yet known, but it is believed
that it is due to melanin's overproduction inside the body. This can be the
result of genetic changes or other causes which aren't fully understood.
Solutions for Nevus Spilus:

Nevus spilus is a harmless disorder that does not need treatment. Some
people opt to have their nevus spilus removed for aesthetic reasons or if
it is painful or irritated. Treatment options for nevus spilus are:

- Surgery excision The procedure involves removing the skin affected and
then stitching the wound to close it.

- Dermatological treatments which include the use of creams for topical use
lasers, topical creams, or other treatment methods that use light to
decrease an appearance or appearance of the pilus.

- Cover-up methods be done with make-up or clothing to conceal the nevus of

Nevus Spilus is a benign birthmark that's pigmented and caused due to an
excess production of melanin within the skin. It generally does not cause
any symptoms and does not require treatment, but certain individuals might
opt to remove it for reasons of aesthetics or if it causes pain or
irritation. If you suffer from a nevus Spilus, it's important to discuss
your options with a doctor to determine the most appropriate procedure to
meet your specific needs.

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