[PT2021] What Is The Purpose Of A Website?

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Sun Mar 6 01:36:55 EST 2022

Impressive website design can help enhance the performance of businesses in
a variety of ways, including increasing customer outreach, sales and
revenue. If you're looking to build an attractive and effective web site,
it's helpful to determine which types of designs are best suited for your
business or organization. This article we'll discuss what houston web design
<https://houstonbestwebdesign.com/> means and provide you with a list of
popular website designs and layouts.
What is Web Design?

The Web Design is the process of designing and developing websites for the
web. While creating a website may require additional skills and resources,
such as software coding and development the site's design, the design
element usually concentrates at the design of the user's interface as well
as user experience. The user experience can comprise the appearance of the
site as well as its functionality, layout, and content. Web designers are
trying to discover the most effective way to present information on a site
to make it interesting and useful. To accomplish this, web designers will
typically employ different layouts and designs based on the purpose of the
website and use.
Design styles for websites

Here's a listing of various website styles and the best times to use each
Single page

Single page designs are websites that present all their information on one
webpage. The single page may be whatever length the designer desires, and
allows visitors to move down to view all the details. In the process of
designing the layout most organizations and companies employ a linear or
narrative to provide an flow of information being presented to the users.

This type of design can be very versatile because it is able to be utilized
in a variety of ways. For instance, it could be used to promote products,
and tell the story of the company as the page progresses or used for
artists to share their portfolio and stories.
Related: What is Usability?Website static

A static site is a website with minimal or no interaction from users, and
the design is generally consistent on every platform. Most of the time, the
website is created using basic code that is based on HTML or CSS and is
comprised of an established number of pages that can result in the website
at a minimal cost creation. Because of its simple model and the inability
to communicate with visitors static websites are typically utilized to
provide information instead of selling goods or services.
Dynamic website

Websites that are dynamic, as opposed to static websites, allow visitors to
interact with content on the page, resulting in more interactive and
engaging website design. The code that is used to build the kind of
websites requires a bit more flexibility, such as JavaScript, PHP or ASP.
Due to their more complex structure and layout, dynamic websites may be a
bit more expensive and may take longer to load when compared with static
websites. However, they can also effectively communicate information and
the benefits of a service with a captivating display.

Related to this article: 16 Types of Marketing Content to Engage Your
Responsive design

A responsive website design changes its layout and presentation of
information depending upon the dimensions of the browser. Whether the
website is being displayed on a mobile device, or a computer browser, the
webpage can manipulate itself by wrapping images and text, to fill any
screen size with the most relevant information. This kind of design is
beneficial to numerous websites and businesses because it can allow users
to navigate through the information and products available on various
devices more efficiently.
Liquid design

A liquid web design performs similar to a responsive design, except it
doesn't manipulate the layout of the site in accordance with how big the
screen. The design itself shrinks or stretches the entire page to fit the
dimensions of the display, which can be useful for sites who don't want to
compromise details based on the size of the browser. But, this could also
result in tiny or stretched text when viewing it on monitors that are
either too small or too big.
Fixed design

Fixed designs allow designers to create a website that isn't affected by
how large the screen or window. The website is designed with a specific
resolution and will open to these exact measurements regardless of whether
the user is viewing it on the mobile device or on a an computer monitor.
The strict resolution can help designers create a specific website layout
which they know will remain consistent on each device. However, this could
cause some issues for those with smaller screens as it could require more
effort to scroll around the page and find the information they need.
The layouts for websites are based on different types.

Here is a list of various layouts for websites and which sites benefit the
most from these layouts:
F-shape layout

The f-shape layout provides the appearance of a web page that is based on
the common pattern of view of visitors to the website. Scientific studies
have found that website users often view and move their eyes across web
pages, making an F or E shape. Webpages that design their layout to match
those instinctive eye movement can draw viewers' attention in a more
natural way. These types of layouts are most common for websites that offer
lots of options for users to choose from, like news sites and even search
engines. They allow users to scan the options quickly and make an informed
Z-shape layout

The z-shape layout is very like the f-shape layout, except it targets an
entirely different set of people. Research has shown that individuals from
western cultures employ a z-shape using their eyes more often than an f
shape to navigate through the pages of various websites. Z-shape layouts
are typically best suited for websites with one goal in mind, such as
having consumers sign up for a service or purchase a product. A button that
directs visitors to the subsequent stage of company interaction and putting
it on the z-shape path can help increase customer outreach and increase
The grid of card layout

A Grid of Cards layout shows information using grid-like structures that
website users or users can easily manipulate by adjusting their size
browser display or window. Some of the most common sites that use a grid of
cards are streaming video websites which display previews of images for
their different video options. They display each of the previews as cards
in a grid system and the amount of options for video playback is changed
according to the size of the display.

Grid layouts are ideal for websites, such as video streaming services that
provide a wide range of choices and details of equal value, which will help
users locate what they're looking for more quickly.

The boxes layout uses one bigger box as the web page's header. It has an
image on it, as well as two smaller boxes beneath which provide images or
information for users. Each box gives the user relevant or interesting
information regarding the company's or website's purpose and also links
users to other websites that can be explored to get more information. Since
the boxes are able to prominently display images, artists typically employ
this format to showcase their portfolio , and businesses often use it to
showcase their most popular products.
Split screen

A split screen layout divides the website into two parts that users can
choose to explore. This layout works well for businesses and organizations
with two distinct pieces of content which are equally important for their
business and consumers. For example, a clothing company which sells both
men and women's clothing might use this split-screen layout in order to
advertise their merchandise. The two options available on the homepage can
allow users to pick the one they're interested in quickly, and then
continue exploring the site.
Fixed sidebar

The fixed sidebar layout places an erect menu of choices for users on the
right or left side of the website. This sidebar menu provides users with
easy and convenient navigation choices, allowing them to browse the website
more easily. The fixed layout of the sidebar typically is most effective
for websites that have a restricted number of websites to pick from, like
businesses that sell one major product. For example the case where a
business that sold watches used an unfixed sidebar, some of their menu
choices could be information about us, online store and contact us.

The layout of magazines uses an appearance that is similar to printed
magazines. The layout provides a wealth of information to users using grids
and columns to help individuals navigate the webpage more easily. The
magazine layout is often employed by publishing companies to resemble how
their product will look when printed form. This can help create a
stimulating and enjoyable layout for readers, encouraging readers to keep
studying and reading.
Asymmetrical layout

Asymmetrical layouts ensure that the webpage promotes an uneven appearance,
meaning that the one portion of the page will be larger over the others.
Organizations and companies often employ this type of layout to create a
visually pleasing webpage while directing users to a certain area of the

For instance, a business might use the larger section of the website to
showcase an image or company slogan and use the smaller section to invite
users to provide their contact information to learn about special sales and
promotions. The smaller section often attracts the attention of visitors,
thereby encouraging them to engage with the website or company. Because it
is able to draw attention by asymmetry, the asymmetrical layout is
frequently used on a website's homepage.
Image featured

The featured image layout puts an image that is prominent and large on top
of the webpage to draw attention of users. The most often the image
featured is an image of a popular product that a company or business sells.
Companies that sell aesthetically pleasing products typically use this kind
of layout to instantly draw the attention of customers and encourage buyers
to purchase. For example, a company selling computers could utilize a
featured layout to show their computers' style and design.
Visuals that are curated

The visuals layout curated by a curator uses illustrated images to promote
an item or service. Organizations and companies often employ this layout to
display an emotion they wish customers to experience when visiting the
website. This kind of strategy can help consumers feels inspired to engage
with the business, and eventually purchase their goods and services. Most
of the time, businesses or businesses that offer a complex service that's
difficult to market could use carefully curated images to make the
experience easier and provide important information to customers.
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