[PT2021] FW: DPT Survey

Ennis, Rachel F ennisr at campbell.edu
Fri Feb 12 11:50:58 EST 2021


The below is being sent on behalf of a Wingate student for their capstone project.

Please participate if you would like

Hello Physical Therapy Students,

I invite you to participate in a student-led survey-based research project. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on different physical therapy programs across the country. The purpose is to determine how cohorts proceeded through the pandemic as well as the repercussions students faced with learning, general knowledge, and clinical performance.

This study is being conducted at Wingate University. You were identified as a potential participant because you are a student in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. This study is for current physical therapy students in school during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The estimated time to complete the survey is less than 10 minutes. Your participation will provide valuable information about how physical therapy programs have adapted to learning in a pandemic and stimulate ideas on how to improve future procedures.

To participate in this study, please follow this link: https://wingate.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cNIO0kHQS5YPzXE

Your participation is greatly appreciated.
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