[PT2021] Virtual Fundraiser - Thursday

Shinkle, William washinkle0906 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Nov 9 16:15:49 EST 2020

Hello CPHS,

On behalf of Military Missions in Action, we are hosting a virtual trivia
night fundraiser this coming *Thursday (6:00pm-7:30pm), November 12th 2020.
*Proceeds will be going to this foundation
<https://www.militarymissionsinaction.org/>.  Teams will consist of up to
three members with an entry fee of 10 dollars per team. *How to sign
up?  *Venmo @Campbell-MMIA-Fundraiser
10$ with your team member's names and one team member's email.  This email
will be utilized to send the Zoom and Kahoot invitations for the event.  A
winner-take-all cash prize will be awarded to the winning team.  The amount
will be determined dependent upon how many teams sign up!  If you have any
questions please do not hesitate to reply to this email. We hope to see you
there and best of luck!

Drew Shinkle, Marc Gamboa, Ryan Swiezy, Jacob Eversole
DPT Class of 2021
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