[PT2021] Smith Hall Building Access

Ennis, Rachel F ennisr at campbell.edu
Mon Mar 30 13:02:39 EDT 2020

Good afternoon,

Below is a response sent out by the Dean this morning in regards to student access to campus/Smith Hall.

By now, we all have a least heard about “social distancing” and this document refers to this phrase; and if you are unfamiliar with the term, please “google” frequently asked questions (FAQ) for social distancing.  The key is that we must minimize our interactions and this can be accomplished partly by limiting visits to campus and reducing even further the number of people in our facilities.  There should be a minimal presence on campus to maximize social distancing.  If students require internet access or study space, the second floor of Wiggins Memorial Library has been designated as the open space on campus between 8 am and 5 pm each day.  Please refer students to this facility for internet access or study space.

​Beginning today, 3/30/20, Smith Hall is closed to all students. If you need study space or the internet, please use Wiggins Memorial Library 2nd floor.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter,


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