[PT2021] course plans for the program

Dedrick, Gregory S dedrickg at campbell.edu
Thu Mar 26 15:17:09 EDT 2020


Earlier today, we received guidance from university administration related to attendance with courses while delivering in a remote format. That advice was to utilize blackboard as it tracks attendance automatically when using discussion board, collaborate, or other interactive tools within. What does this mean for you?

Students should expect that faculty have already started or will be having weekly interaction with you to ensure attendance with didactic and lab portions of courses. Specifics and expectations will be shared by each faculty member in their respective courses. Please understand that learning online should be similar to that in the classroom and your participation in weekly discussion boards and other interactive forums or submitting assignments with faculty feedback are necessary to comply with accreditor expectations.

The future:
Grades will be assigned this semester. The current plan is for faculty to move face-to-face skills based assessments and relevant objectives to a future course or assessment element in summer/fall (depending on when onsite learning is allowed). All of this is being tracked and coordinated by curriculum committee and discussed at weekly department meetings. At this point, we don't know where each spring assessment will land. That will come later. Faculty may alter the course weighting for current courses based on changes and moving skills based assessments. If this happens, it will be communicated to you by your instructor. It is likely you will receive a new syllabus with highlighted objectives for face-to-face assessments or lab components to be carried out later and any changes to course grade weighting. This is required by accreditors.

Once you receive timing of spring face-to-face assessment, instructors will be in touch and policy will be followed. I.e. remediation process. If you fail to meet a 70% or pass (if pass/fail), you'll have one attempt to remediate. If not successful, case is referred to APS committee and student placed on academic probation. This is current policy.

I hope the above information is helpful in understanding changes in course expectations and clarifies timing and plan for future. I look forward to hearing from you at listening sessions on Monday.

Have a great afternoon.

Greg Dedrick, PT, ScD

Director | Physical Therapy Program

Campbell University

dedrickg at campbell.edu<mailto:dedrickg at campbell.edu>

910 893-1758
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