[PT2021] Classes online through spring semester

Dedrick, Gregory S dedrickg at campbell.edu
Thu Mar 19 20:35:11 EDT 2020


By now you've heard that classes have been moved online throughout the spring semester. We understand that this may bring about a range of emotions and uncertainty about the future. Rest assured we are working with university administration and accreditors to develop a plan that keeps you on track to graduate without delays.

This will take some time to organize and get together. Once we have the plan developed, we will share it with you. I'm sure you have questions and concerns. I want to hear them and hopefully provide answers. In the upcoming weeks, I will hold a town hall meeting with you all to hear your questions/concerns. Anything I can't answer, I will record and try to find answers for you.

Good news is accreditors have allowed greater flexibility in meeting our program outcomes that will help as we develop a plan and path forward.

I encourage you to control what you can and remain vigilant in your studies and finish the spring semester strong. This is a trying time for many educators and students across the country. We are stronger together and will develop a clear path moving forward.

 As President Creed stated, remain calm, practice good hygiene, and we will come out the other side better as a result.

Have a good evening.

Greg Dedrick, PT, ScD

Director | Physical Therapy Program

Campbell University

dedrickg at campbell.edu<mailto:dedrickg at campbell.edu>

910 893-1758
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