[PT2021] Travel restrictions until clinical education start dates

Shearin, Heidi shearin at campbell.edu
Fri Mar 13 09:57:57 EDT 2020

I want to provide an update from clinical partners.  Many are sending a new policy stating students who travel to restricted countries based on current government listing cannot participate in clinical activities for 14-21 days after returning to USA.  This is also included in Dr. Creed's letter yesterday clearly stating travel to these areas are restricted for Campbell faculty, staff, or students.

Understand that this list of restricted areas might expand.  I strongly encourage you to avoid international travel over the next weeks.   The transition to online classes is meant to allow avoidance of large crowds.  We are working with our clinical partners to preserve slots.  Please do your part and avoid travel.

Dr. Shearin, Dr. Eubanks, and Ms. Shewmaker

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