[PT2021] Reminder to sign up for the Virtual Prayer Vigil

Stamey, Shirl R sstamey at campbell.edu
Wed Jun 24 10:23:59 EDT 2020

Good morning!

You are invited to join our community in prayer Saturday, June 27th - Sunday, June 28th from 8 am - 8 am as we lament together the loss of innocent lives and security due to the pandemic and recognizing the injustices of discrimination, prejudice, and loss of innocent lives due to systemic racism. Join us as we covenant together to new practices of hope, redemption, and justice as we discern our role as agents of healthcare, empathy, and understanding moving forward to foster lasting unity, encouragement, and support as one family under Campbell University and as followers of Christ.

Each hour, there are two different opportunities to sign up for vigilant prayer.

Scripture: Choose one of the selected passages to read during your hour of prayer.
Prayer: Pray for those you know who are hurting. Pray for those who have lost loved ones as a result of the coronavirus, and also pray for those who have not been able to mourn traditionally because of gathering restrictions. Pray for those who are hurting others. Pray for the clarity to identify where you need to make changes in your own life. Pray for the fortitude to be an agent of change. Pray for families who are experiencing untold grief. Pray for those who miss family and friends and for those who feel alone. Pray for those for whom sheltering in place has increased their chances of being harmed by a family member or by themselves. Pray for those who are struggling to make ends meet.

For the 24 hour event, there will also be other ways to express support.

Art: Pray through creation. Write a song or play one that guides your heart to be attentive. Draw, sculpt, or paint your prayers of awareness, lament, or hope. Let beauty flow through you and into the world as an agent of change and grace.
Activism: Pray through the service of your hands. Take part in a virtual nursing home visit to help address the loneliness of people who cannot have physical visitors. Commit your pay from this hour as a donation to an organization that addresses systemic racism and violence. Serve with a local organization that is supporting your neighbors that have been discriminated against.

Unable to attend but expressing support: Visit the sign up to leave a comment simply to express your support if you are unable to attend.

More information about a prayer vigil can be found here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/10O2ID62jgHKZdnGX-VMj6LJEl6KksXgkrD70ILuC2eA/edit?usp=sharing__;!!OToaGQ!_lZCGsOyJdu089cr5pZO6QWhSemjZyR2Va_B3rddvS55ZLBei3mJWsp9136X8eyMLZK2m60$> or at https://docs.google.com/document/d/10O2ID62jgHKZdnGX-VMj6LJEl6KksXgkrD70ILuC2eA/edit?usp=sharing<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/10O2ID62jgHKZdnGX-VMj6LJEl6KksXgkrD70ILuC2eA/edit?usp=sharing__;!!OToaGQ!_lZCGsOyJdu089cr5pZO6QWhSemjZyR2Va_B3rddvS55ZLBei3mJWsp9136X8eyMLZK2m60$>.

Sign up here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/signup.com/go/qrgNeVg__;!!OToaGQ!_lZCGsOyJdu089cr5pZO6QWhSemjZyR2Va_B3rddvS55ZLBei3mJWsp9136X8eyMfj4tXQo$> or at https://signup.com/go/qrgNeVg<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/signup.com/go/qrgNeVg__;!!OToaGQ!_lZCGsOyJdu089cr5pZO6QWhSemjZyR2Va_B3rddvS55ZLBei3mJWsp9136X8eyMfj4tXQo$> for the event being held Saturday, June 27th - Sunday, June 28th from 8 am - 8 am.

Please reach out with any questions or comments. I hope each of you have a happy hump day!

Shirl Stamey
Student Affairs Coordinator | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Pronouns: she/her/hers
e:sstamey at campbell.edu |<mailto:solson at campbell.edu%20%7C> t:(910) 893-1692<tel:%28910%29%20814-5693>
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