[PT2021] Thank You for Your Time

Mulenda, Obed okmulenda0409 at email.campbell.edu
Fri Jun 12 10:45:18 EDT 2020

Good Morning all,

We’d like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to
read our lengthy email. Also, many thanks to those who felt the need to
reach out, connect, and seek further knowledge on the surrounding

Within racial situations, it's very difficult to find the right words to
articulate our intentions without unintentionally offending someone. Add a
pandemic and an economic collapse to the mixture and the situation becomes
even more stimulating. Going forward, we must continue to empathetically
listen to each other and have these tough conversations. These situations
of police using excessive force and minority group oppression are products
of decades and centuries before us. We must strive to do better as we are
amidst the results of the American history of the Jim Crow laws,
generations of blacks and other minority groups being publicly demonized
and used as scapegoats, and mass incarceration reshaping family structures.
These are only a sliver of the legal strategies used over time to devalue
citizens, so you can imagine how limitless the illegal strategies are.

Let us voyage through these uncharted conversations together to address
them and begin to heal as one united human race. Before disregarding these
highlighted controversial conversations, take a second to think about what
kind of change you wish to see and embody it! As Gandhi simplistically
said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” because it will take
our collective effort to overcome and solve these problems. That doesn’t
mean we all have to do some grand gesture, even though there will be some
who choose to do so; we just have to do our part, and that begins with how
we understand and treat those directly and indirectly impacted by us. We
will triumph through these challenges and shape a better, inclusive future.

Once again, thank you and continue to take care of yourselves, others, and
our God gifted planet.


Obed Mulenda, Monique Jones, D’jsha Daniels, Jalecia Faison
Class of 2021, Doctor of Physical Therapy Candidates
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
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