[PT2021] Student colunteets

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Tue Jun 9 17:10:06 EDT 2020

I am in search of six students who would be willing to come to campus in two weeks which would be other stroke conditions week six on that Wednesday afternoon to execute an examination on a patient.

I will have two simulated patients for this event. I need three students to do one examination and three students to do the other examination.

Myself and or Dr. C will also be present

The format will be that the two groups of three will receive their case a couple days ahead of time to be able to consider how they will approach the examination. They will execute the examination and following the examination it will be a debriefing with myself and Dr C.

This will be filmed live on blackboard collaborate and will be saved for review for the other students.

If you were willing to participate in this most excellent learning adventure please email me back. I look forward to hearing from you.

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