[PT2021] My response

Green, Michelle D mgreen at campbell.edu
Wed Apr 15 15:52:48 EDT 2020

It has come to my attention (ALWAYS a thank you for letting me know) that the P& O assignment is the same date as the due date for the 758 Practical Video and written information.

I will not be changing the date. Though I realize that is a lot in one day, it is the SAME DATE as when it was scheduled originally and that has not changed. Additionally, we do NOT have a required zoom meet for lab 4/22 that is 4.5 hours to do the Skills check offs (the assignment is already posted, you could be done tomorrow, if you want!) and we DO NOT have class 4/28 or 4/29- that is 7.5 hours of time allotted for you to do the written portion and the video portion. Again, the cases and the written assignment are already posted, you are more then welcome to do it all now, then just upload the day it is due.

I do appreciate that your time is precious and its hard when a lot is coming down, but I have not ADDED stuff for the sake of doing things, we have maintained the assignments and time during class for practice and video/review.

If you have any questions, please ask!!!

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