[Pharmsci] 2024 CPHS Excellence Awards Virtual Ceremony TONIGHT - April 4th at 6 PM

Goetz, Sarah E sbarefoot at campbell.edu
Thu Apr 4 14:15:23 EDT 2024

Good afternoon,

Please join your CPHS family tonight at 6pm for the 2024 CPHS Excellence Awards Virtual Ceremony as we reflect on another year of excellent service by our students, faculty, and staff. Fourteen awards will be given to deserving recipients.

You can access the 2024 CPHS Excellence Awards Virtual Ceremony linked here<https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/94500805312?pwd=b3RSUjBnTlVYS3RmQ3hoS0dOcGNIZz09> or by clicking on the flyer below.

 [cid:image002.jpg at 01DA7C75.89AFD230] <https://campbell-edu.zoom.us/j/94500805312?pwd=b3RSUjBnTlVYS3RmQ3hoS0dOcGNIZz09>


Sarah Goetz
Director of Student Affairs | Office of Admissions & Student Affairs
Campbell University | College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
e: sbarefoot at campbell.edu<mailto:sbarefoot at campbell.edu> | t: (910) 893-1692
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."- Proverbs 3:5-6

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