[Pharmsci] Professional Alumni Student Association Officer Elections

Faulkner, Heather hdfaulkner0504 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Nov 3 07:58:25 EDT 2022

Hello CPHS!

The Professional Alumni Student Association (PASA) will be having elections for
our new officer board on *Thursday, November 17th at 5pm* in Harris Teeter
Lecture Hall (Maddox Hall). This is a great leadership opportunity! In
order to run for a position or vote at the meeting, you must be a member of
PASA. Membership dues can be paid using this link,
<http://igfn.us/form/X2Ncdg> and after doing so please forward your receipt
to our current secretary Katlyn Womble (krbradford0418 at email.campbell.edu)
so we can confirm your membership.

If you would like to run for a position, please fill out this form
<https://forms.gle/nrZgZbAc1EPbZKRh7> by *Wednesday, November 16th at 5pm*.
The term for these positions will be from November 2022-November 2023.

Below is a list of available positions along with the current student
officers. Feel free to reach out to any of them with questions. I have also
attached a document with descriptions of the officer/chair positions.

President-Elect: Caroline Montgomery

Vice President: Kaysey Manista

Secretary: Katlyn Womble

Treasurer: Kristina Collier

Student Alumni Liaison: John Michael Phillips

Event Chair: NiKyla Sutton

Fundraising Chair: Olivia Hill

PharmD Class of 2023 Rep: Morgan Santalucia

PharmD Class of 2024 Rep: Heather Faulkner

PharmD Class of 2025 Rep: Jessica Sharrow

DPT Rep: Chandler Gee

PA Rep: Conner Brannan

Nursing Rep: N/A

MSPH Rep: Sophia Miller

MSCR Rep: Jennifer Sepulveda


Let me know if you have any questions!


*Heather Faulkner*
PharmD / MSCR Candidate 2024
Professional Alumni Student Association | President
American Pharmacist Association | Patient Care Vice President
Phi Lambda Sigma - Alpha Zeta | Treasurer
Graduate Clinical Research Organization | Treasurer
Industry Pharmacists Organization | Director of Member Engagement
Phi Delta Chi Beta Kappa | Worthy Master-At-Arms
CPHS Tutor & Student Ambassador
hdfaulkner0504 at email.campbell.edu
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