[Pharm27] PDC Lasagna Dinner for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Bost, Rayquelle rmbost0802 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Mar 28 15:17:03 EDT 2024

Good afternoon CPHS students and faculty!
You have one week left to purchase tickets for the Phi Delta Chi Lasagna
Dinner fundraiser! All proceeds will go to support *St. Jude* *Children's
Research Hospital *and tickets are only $10!  If you want to simply make
your purchase a donation you can indicate this in the purchase of your
ticket.  Tickets sales will be sold through *Thursday,* *April 4th,*as well
as pickup of your hot lasagna dinner will be the *evening of April 4th
between 5 pm and 7 pm at Memorial Baptist Church*.  You can refer to the
flyer below for additional details.  We thank you in advance for your

Purchase your ticket here <https://igfn.us/form/4338gw> or scan the flyer

*Rayquelle Bost*
Campbell University CPHS
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2026
Phi Delta Chi- Beta Kappa Chapter | WKF
APhA- Academy of of Student Pharmacists

On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 9:29 PM Bost, Rayquelle <
rmbost0802 at email.campbell.edu> wrote:

> Good evening CPHS and fellow CU students,
> On behalf of *Phi Delta Chi* we would like to invite you to our Lasagna *Dinner!
> *All proceeds will be donated to *St. Jude* *Children's Research Hospital*
> *.* Tickets are available for purchase now thru April 4th, with dinner
> plates available on Friday, April 4th, from 5 pm - 7 pm at Memorial
> Baptist Church, located at 271 Leslie Campbell Avenue. You will have the
> option to either dine-in or take your food to-go.
> The cost for a tray is $10, and includes a slice of lasagna, garlic
> bread, salad, dessert, and a drink. Purchase your tickets here
> <https://igfn.us/form/4338gw> or scan the code on the flyer! If you would
> like to simply donate, please note "donation only" in the Brother section,
> in addition to the name of the person you are supporting.
> Thank you for all of your support and look forward to seeing you there!
> [image: Phi Delta Chi Lasagna Dinner Flyer.png]
> *Rayquelle Bost*
> Campbell University CPHS
> Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2026
> Phi Delta Chi- Beta Kappa Chapter | WKF
> APhA- Academy of of Student Pharmacists
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