[Pharm27] APhA Operation Immunization Speaker Event April 10th

Munro, Hannah hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu
Tue Mar 26 09:03:57 EDT 2024

Hi everyone!

APhA Operation Immunization will be hosting a speaker event on *Wednesday,
April 10th from 12-1pm in Ed Herring Lecture Hall. *
Carrie Blanchard, PharmD, MPH is the North Carolina Department of Health
and Human Services Immunization Branch Director, and will be joining us to
speak on vaccine hesitancy that patients may experience and how we can
address that as both students and future healthcare providers.

We hope to see you there!

*Hannah A. Munro *
Campbell University | Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2025
CPHS PharmD Student Ambassador | President
APhA | Communications VP
PASA | Fundraising Chair
GCRO | Secretary
Campbell Health Center Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
Email: hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu | Phone: (919)-539-1067
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