[Pharm27] APhA-ASP SUD Guest Speaker Event Thursday, March 28th

Munro, Hannah hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Mar 25 13:40:33 EDT 2024

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well! APhA's Operation Substance Use Disorder
committee would like to invite you to our guest speaker event this week!
The event will be this upcoming *Thursday, March 28th *from* 12-12:50 pm* and
will be held in Harris Teeter Lecture Hall. Dr. Trotta's husband, Jason
Vannoy PA-C, will be speaking to us about his experience working in the
mental health field.

With over a decade of experience in mental health, Mr. Vannoy's focus has
always been on helping individuals struggling with addiction and mental
health issues. From his work as an addiction specialist to providing
emergency psychiatric services as a Physician Assistant, Mr. Vannoy has
been deeply involved in assisting those in need. He has also been involved
in delivering medically assisted treatment to populations facing opioid use
disorders and other substance dependencies.

Use the QR code in the flyer or the link
sign up if you would like to receive lunch, please do so by no later than* 9
am Wednesday, March 27th. *

Thank you,

*Hannah A. Munro *
Campbell University | Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2025
CPHS PharmD Student Ambassador | President
APhA | Communications VP
PASA | Fundraising Chair
GCRO | Secretary
Campbell Health Center Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
Email: hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu | Phone: (919)-539-1067
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