[Pharm27] [Phar26] Kappa Epsilon St. Patrick's Day Basket Raffle Winner!

Saidykhan, Seni sssaidykhan1017 at email.campbell.edu
Fri Mar 15 16:00:00 EDT 2024

Good evening CPHS Family,

Hope everyone had a great time at the Maddox Games! Thank you to everyone
who participated in the Kappa Epsilon's St. Patrick's Day Basket Raffle.
Congratulations to *Kaitlyn Parker* *!!!! *We will email you to arrange a
meeting time. Once again, thank you to everyone for your continued support.

*Seni Saidykhan*
Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2026
Dedication to Representation | Vice-President
Student National Pharmaceutical Association | Membership Chair
CVS Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
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