[Pharm27] NCPA Meeting and Elections
Tomazic, Grace
egtomazic0618 at email.campbell.edu
Mon Mar 11 08:00:00 EDT 2024
Hi everyone!
NCPA will be having our March General Body Meeting on *Monday, March 18th,
2024 at 12pm in Harris Teeter Lecture Hall*. Our guest speaker will be
Dr. Takira Morrison, a PGY1 Community Pharmacy Resident at
Walgreens/Campbell University. She will discuss her journey in preparing to
apply for a community residency, what she does as a resident, and a typical
day for her! The second half of the meeting will be *Elections*! We have
the President-Elect, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer, and Special Events
Coordinator positions open. I have included a list of the roles and
responsibilities of each position for your information, as well as included
the contact information of each present officer below in case you have any
questions. As a reminder, you must pay national dues to NCPA in order to be
eligible to become an officer. If you are interested in running for a
position, please fill out this google form
*by Friday, March 15th at 5pm*. Please reach out to me if you have any
questions, thank you!
Current Officer Contact Information:
- *President-Elect *- Liz Lockhart: ehlockhart0810 at email.campbell.edu
- *Secretary *- Grace Tomazic: egtomazic0618 at email.campbell.edu
- *Historian *- Raegan Koenig: rlkoenig1026 at email.campbell.edu
- *Treasurer *- Makenzie Hester: mrhester1202 at email.campbell.edu
- *Special Events Coordinator* - Carly Avila:
c_avila1118 at email.campbell.edu
*Grace Tomazic *
Campbell University 2026, PharmD/MBA Candidate
Phi Delta Chi Pharmaceutical Fraternity | Beta Kappa Chapter
National Community Pharmacists Association | Secretary
CPHS | Student Ambassador
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International | Fundraising Chair
APhA | Wellness Committee Co-Chair
In-Clinic Rx | Pharmacy Intern
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