[Pharm27] APhA-ASP Open Positions and Updates

Munro, Hannah hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu
Fri Mar 8 09:12:19 EST 2024

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to share with you that many APhA officer and committee positions
will be opening and elections will be held before the end of the block.
Please look at this document
find descriptions of all APhA positions and please reach out if you have
any further questions. We would also like to share the updates of our
chapter which can be found here.
look forward to welcoming new officers into our chapter and continuing to
serve the pharmacy profession.

Thank you,

*Hannah A. Munro *
Campbell University | Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate | Class of 2025
CPHS PharmD Student Ambassador | President
APhA | Communications VP
PASA | Fundraising Chair
GCRO | Secretary
Campbell Health Center Pharmacy | Pharmacy Intern
Email: hamunro0222 at email.campbell.edu | Phone: (919)-539-1067
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