[Pharm27] ***PSEB January Funding Requests Due Tomorrow 1/17/24***

PSEB Treasurer psebtreasurer at email.campbell.edu
Tue Jan 16 07:30:00 EST 2024

Good morning future pharmacists!

This is a friendly reminder that January Pharmacy Student Executive Board
(PSEB) funding requests are due *tomorrow* *January 17 by 8 AM.*  Those
submitting January funding requests are required to present their funding
request during *PSEB's January student body meeting on 1/24/24 from 12:00 -
1:00 PM in Harris Teeter* Lecture Hall.

Please follow these directions to *access information regarding the **funding
request and reimbursement process*: Blackboard --> Organizations -->
Pharmacy Student Executive Board --> Funding Requests.

For your convenience, I have attached the funding request form to this
email. I am happy to assist in any way that I can, so please reach out via
the PSEB Treasurer email if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
*Sophia Miller Jones*
Pharmacy Student Executive Board | Treasurer
(919) 961-2997
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