[Pharm27] SNPhA Motivational Moment

Bowser, Kimberly ktbowser0826 at email.campbell.edu
Thu Feb 29 11:33:15 EST 2024

Good afternoon Pharmily,

It's a New Year! Greetings and salutations!

Jeremiah 29: 11
" For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord, plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ."

Just a reminder that our Heavenly Father has plans for you to prosper. His
plans include that we be at peace, His plans include that we remain in His
safety and in His care. In His plans WE ARE SUCCESSFUL and WE SHALL PROSPER.

If there is ever any doubt in your mind about your future, just remember
God's plan. God's plan is perfect and all of His ways are just.

Congratulations on completing another block!!!
As always, take time and do something nice for yourself!  Why? I'm glad
that you asked, because you DESERVE IT! Enjoy your spring break and
remember  you've got this and God's got you!  GROW ON AND GROW GREAT!

Your Chaplain,

*Kimberly T. Bowser *

*Campbell University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences*
*Doctor of Pharmacy|Candidate|Class 0f 2025*
*ktbowser0826 at email.campbell.edu <ktbowser0826 at email.campbell.edu> *
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